Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Water Related Research and Q&A Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Water Related and Q&A - Research Paper Example The water is normally collected in wells and springs. Mineral water can also be classified as spackling; this is water that contains natural gases or water that is carbonated artificially with carbon dioxide (Olien 46). Sparkling mineral water usually contains magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium, this are the most common minerals found in the ground. Other mineral; water may contain other minerals such as, copper chromium, selenium and other minerals. All these minerals are important for health. Spring water us water that is harvested from natural springs, unlike the many forms of bottled water in the market today, natural spring water has a considerable amount of minerals is bottled directly at the site. Spring water is water that has moved from an underground water source to the surface. The water is considered free of impurities and contaminants; the water is not subjected to the modern filtration techniques (Olien 45). Running city, municipal tap water, is water that is delivered to the homes of many area residents; the water is supplied through a tap placed inside the workplace or inside the household. This technology in plumbing had enabled the delivery of clean water to homes and businesses. However, this may be mineral water contains impurities such as bacteria, synthetic and organic chemicals. Among the disinfectants used to purify, tap water is chlorine. Chlorine leaves many organic materials like halo acetic acid among many others in the water (Moreaux 78). This water has been removed of any impurities using the modern methods of purification. Water can be purified using many processes, reverse osmosis, microfiltration, ultra filtration, electro dialysis, carbon filtration and ultraviolet oxidation (Moreaux 78). This is an excavation in the ground that is made through digging, boring or drilling in order to access the water in the ground the water can then be drawn using pump or containers

Monday, October 28, 2019

Value Chain Essay Example for Free

Value Chain Essay Value chain management has become more and more important in industry in past decades. This report provides an insight view of value chain in automotive industry and then examine leadership role of engineer in value chain management. Furthermore, the report will analyse why engineer is so important in management of value chain. Analysis of value chain Automotive industry plays an important pillar role in the economic development of all countries. This is because the development of automotive industry will definitely drive development of new technology, development of relative industry sectors and increasing revenue of the country. In this day and age, value chain management is becoming more and more important in automotive industry to improve their competitiveness. As value chain management is crucial part of automotive industry, how to improve the efficiancy of value chain is the key target. The value chain is aim to deliver valuable products to customer, therefore, the components involved in value chain need to integrate with others effectively to achieve high value products with less cost. One of the components is supply chain, the supply chain in motor vehicle industry is not only the process which tramsform raw materials, parts into a finished vehicle, it also include financing, product developing, transporting, distributing to customer. Thus, many small firms may involved in the supply chain to produce a product. These organizations should cooperate closely and coordinate material, information effectively to speeding up flows in supply chain (Stadtler and Kilger, 2008). Thereby, improving competitveness of the firm. Demand chain is the other part of value chain. Demand chain in motor vehicle industry is a process which company can anticipate customer’s demand in the vehicle market. For instance, there is a research that shows a increasingly number of young people prefer SUV cars to sedan cars, as a result, almost every car manufactors introduce fangle SUV cars to attract customers buying their cars. Advertising can be seen everywhere in order to improve the demand of vehicle market. Consequently, the purpose of demand chain is to drive and sustain customer’s demand. Marketing and sales is a way to sustain customer’s demand (Bacheldor, 2003). However, product is the most important factor to satisfying customers’need. The product of the automotive industry is not produced by engineer without a plan, a marketing plan is necessary prior to launch a new product. The product strategy shoud be developed clearly and relisticly with the analysis of intended market, otherwise, the product may unattract to customer and the company may suffer a great of lost. Operations is all the business activities of the company, including making products and delivering to meet the goal of company. In order to run the business more effectively, managers will make a detailed operations strategy to attain their goal. A framework is setted to carry out functions of organization. Leadership Role of engineer in value chain management The concept of how to sustain the value chain has become a hot topic within managers. One of effective way is to apply supply chain management, which is define as combine supply chain, material and imformation for the purpose of satisfying customer’s need to create net value and improve competitiveness. According to Ayers (2001), he states that actions of supply chain management include planning, maintenance, responding to external changes and supply chain processes activities to fulfill consumer’s needs. First, in supply chain planning, engineers focus on the control of cost and satisfaction of customers’ demand, they play as a customer interface role to ensure value chain system are customer friendly and reduce cost. Secondly, it is obivous that engineers is a maintenance role in making sure all designed system meets the specified requirements. Thirdly, they also good at respond to risk, engineers are specialists in risk management, they asess risk and control risk to minimize the loss. Lastly, engineers play vital role in value chain, especially in fulfil constomer’s demand kown as requirements role, they design products based on the requirements of consumers, considering and making sure function of all system. Overall, engineers are significantly contribute to value creation, value mantainence and guarantee of efficiency and effectiveness, which are the characteristics of a leader (Hick et al. 1999). Benefits of using an engineer in value chain management Engineers are the core of value chain management, this is because they create and add value to the value chain. Firstly, engineers are creative, which greatly contributes to innovate and invent new products. They have professional skills to deal with complex problem and able to develop the products of what customer’s expect. Secondly, they have responsibilities in restricting cost, making plan and strategy and guiding the process of value chain (Simchi-Levi et al. 2008). They so focus on addding value to value chain that by taking these actions can greatly improve company’s competitiveness and increase profitability of company. Lastly, engineers are required in mantaining the normal operation of value chain process and improving efficiency by coordinate participants. Conclusion his report analyzes the value chain in automotive industry and examines the leadership role in management of value chain. Engineers have the characteristic of value creation, value mantainence and guarantee of efficiency and effectiveness which determined them leadership role in value chain management. Benefits of using an engineer like possess of professional skills, guiding operation process and improving efficiency are very attractive to companies. Therefore, it is recommended that engineers used as managers in value chain management.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Grapes Of Wrath - Stereotyping :: essays research papers

Stereotyping and Its Effects Stereotyping, brought on by the existence of a class system, has many positive effects in John Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath. This class system, made up of migrants and affluent people, is present due to the fact that many of the affluent people stereotype the migrants as poor, uneducated, and easily agitated human beings. Thus, this sets a boundary between the educated individuals and migrants. At first, most migrants ignore the effects stereotyping has on them. But towards the end of their journeys to California, the migrants’ rage that had been gradually building up inside lets out and the migrants take action. The effects are more positive as the migrants strive for an education, receive sympathy, and calmly deal with conflicts. Farm owners, successful businessmen, and generally all inhabitants of the Mid-West have a sense that all migrants are dumb, uneducated people in 1939. They lower wages for fruit-picking at farms which were the only jobs offered to the migrants because of their proposed lack of intelligence. But migrants do not necessarily choose not to educate themselves. Ma Joad announces to her family that she will send her two youngest children to school once they are settled. Connie, Rose of Sharon’s husband, also plans out his goals with Rose of Sharon saying, â€Å"An’ he’s [Connie] gonna study at home, maybe radio, so he can git to be an expert . . . † The migrants have their mind already set on education and chose not to be ignorant all of their lives. Often in Grapes of Wrath, the affluent people stereotype the migrants as poor and penniless. As the Joads pull into the gas station, the attendant immediately asks, â€Å"Got any money?† He views the Joads as one of many poor, migrant families arriving to beg for some gas. But not all people who view migrants as poverty-stricken, hungry people see them in such a way. Mae, a waitress at one of the restaurants pities a family asking for bread and shows her compassion by letting the children have candy for much less than its worth. Instead of the anticipated let-down, the migrants receive pity from those with compassion and sympathy. Not only do affluent individuals see the migrants as uneducated and penniless, but also as easily agitated human beings. Because farm workers are afraid that these migrants may someday take over their farms, they try to make the migrants’ stay more unwelcoming.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Northern States Power :: essays research papers fc

A leader in today's economic world, Northern States Power (NSP) is recognized for its outstanding performance in both regulated and nonregulated operations. Its regulated operation serves over two million electric and gas customers in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, Arizona, and Michigan (NSP - Investor's Overview 1). Its head offices are located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and the Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is Mr. James J. Howard III (Howard 1). Its Viking Gas Transmission Company Subsidiary owns and operates a 500-mile natural gas pipeline (NSP - Investor's Overview 1). Northern States Power is one of the nation's leading energy companies with competitive rates, responsive service, and dependable and reliable energy. A relationship with NSP began's when they sign up for services with them; moreover, when you choose to live in a certain area. Some of the facts about NSP are services/people, profit, rates, and sources of power, standings, first aid/safety, Y2K, merger, and about how they help within the community. In North Dakota, NSP provides service to more than 80,000 electric customers and 30,000 gas customers in Fargo, Grand Forks, Minot, and many surrounding communities (NSP - Northern Dakota 1). They have served in these communities for over 80 years (Northern States Power Energy Wise 2). "By powering the world, NSP brings energy to (Howard 6):" ? The international markets where we do business ? The communities close to home where we contribute time and money ? To customers, who have ever-increasing energy needs and choices ? To employees, who make the energy work ? And finally, to you—the shareholders—who have placed trust in them The 24th straight year in a row to mark growth for NSP was 1998. Northern States Power's common stocks are traded on three different exchanges: New York Stock, Chicago Stock, and Pacific Stock. Its ticker tape symbol is NSP. Newspaper stock tables list NSP Company as NoStPw, NoStPwr, or NSPw (NSP - Investor's Overview's 2). Northern States Power and its subsidiaries reported earning of $52.3 million or 34 cents a share, for the first quarter of 1999. Operating revenue for the quarter was up 6 percent to $743.2 million. Warmer weather, increased maintenance, and Y2K computer work is the cause of the decreased earning (NSP First-quarter). "Advantages to being a registered shareholder are (NSP - Investor's overview 2):" ? Dividend checks are sent directly to you, deposited in the back account you designate, or maybe reinvested in the company as you choose ? You may purchase additional stock (through dividend reinvestment and optional investment plans) with little or no fees ? You may deposit your share certificates with the company for safekeeping if you sign up for the Dividend

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

American Health Insurance

The Impact of American Health Insurance System on Society’s Development The American healthcare system since the 1990’s had been undergoing issues and problems that remains unsolved and unanswered. According to World Health Organization, for the year 2000, US have been the top country when it comes to responsiveness and expenditures, what is puzzling however, is that the country only ranked 37th in overall performance and 72nd when it comes to the nation’s level of health. The US is the only developed country, except for South Africa, who doesn’t provide all its citizens the health care that they need.Furthermore, the uniqueness of this system that differentiates it from the world is the dominance of the private element over the public element. To start of, in 2003 only 15% of the non-elderly American’s populace were insured in public programs while 67% and 18% were insured in a private health insurance and uninsured respectively (Kao Ching Pua 2006 ). There are mainly 2 types of programs in the public insurance the Medicare and the Medicaid. Medicare is a federal program that covers individuals aged 65 and over, as well as some disabled individuals.It is a single-payer program administered by the government (the only entity to perform the insurance function of reimbursement). Medicare and Medicaid are financed by federal income taxes, a payroll tax shared by employers and employees, and individual enrollee premiums. Another program of the government is the Medicaid program that is deigned for the low-income and disabled. In the Private Insurance Sector there is the employer-sponsored insurance and the Private non-group or the individual market. Employer-sponsored insurance represents the main way in which Americans receive health insurance.Employers provide health insurance as part of the benefits package for employees while it also varies widely. In another note, the individual market covers part of the population that is sel f-employed or retired, as well as those who are unable to obtain through employment. Unlike the employer-sponsored insurance, the individual market allows health insurance companies to deny people coverage based on pre-existing conditions (Kao Ching Pua 2006). The emergence of American Insurance System is like a double-edged sword that can either have positive and negative effects on society’s development.If by far that the insurance program is discriminating in its clients by means that it incurs more than it gives out, then by all means it will simply deter the progress that the society aims for. If a well –organized and efficient American Insurance system is carried out, then more satisfied Americans can go on living, having enough stamina and vigor to face the daily challenges ahead which in turn will be good for the economy. The Three Key Initiatives: 1. The Need for better Access and Coverage IssueNagging issues such as inefficiency and failure in access to healt h care delivery system have taken root. In 2004, 45. 8 million Americans were uninsured (US Census Bureau) and expected to rise accordingly by 50 million in the next decade to come. Between 2000 and 2004 alone, the number of the uninsured had increased to 5. 8 million and among them was low-income families and the working middle class (Serber and Gauthler, 2005). The Degree of Risk The risk that in may turn be involved will be the emergence of dishonest and hoaxed companies that’s only goal is to benefit.It can be prevented if the government can steer hold of these from happening so a fair and competitive business can occur where one can mutually benefit with each other. The Internal and External Environmental Strengths and Weaknesses In which case, the government should step up by expanding their public insurance programs so that they can reach those who have low incomes and those who can’t access in ones due to inappropriateness or lack of credentials. It will be the lack of support and initiative from the government should the case be if ever disadvantages might hold.The Ability of the Organization to Respond to Risks The risks can be minimized if the government can strengthen or devise new laws in which it will create positive effects or support the said initiative. Willingness to Commit to Organizational Enhancement A number of private insurances had been emerging that promises better deals and coverage so that lessening the rate of the uninsured may come in due time. These insurance companies have notice the growing dissatisfaction of the American society and are now currently devising well-developed proposals that can answer to the growing demand.The search for a better proposal as one insurance company competes with the other will improve the system that we have today. The Barriers to Organizational Effectiveness There incurs more expenses in medical fees because individuals themselves are hesitant to approach medical care due to the amou nt of money he will lose without thinking of the future disadvantages that he might hold. The more a mild condition is prolonged without treatment, the more will the expense of fees he will gain when the condition becomes worse.It is because he is uninsured or underinsured, that he is unable to go for a check-up. The Three Key Initiatives: 2. the Need for a Better health insurance Policy Issue Problems (Serber and Gauthler, 2005) like gaps in insurance coverage makes it difficult for an individual to fill-out prescription, see specialists when warranted, undergo a medical test treatment or simply to seek advice for a medical problem. Administrative costs is what most of where the expenses in healthcare comes from. It is noted that in 24% of the dollars spent on health care go to administrative costs alone.If ever there is poor access and coverage in insurance systems, more people will incur more expense, because he will choose not to go to a hospital when what he’s feeling is still mild and only decides to when the conditioned that could be prevented earlier comes to worse. The Degree of Risk Policymakers should take into consideration the short-run and long run effects in the implementation or creation of a new policy as well as to extensively study the implications that may affect or contradict to other existing policies, otherwise it will only add up to the burgeoning problems ahead.The Internal and External Environmental Strengths and Weaknesses Government should devise ways in which to control the system so that worse case scenarios can be prevented and see to it that all can avail the program without any disparities or discrimination in income and race. They should be strict with their implementations and policies as well as provide enough space to allow the flow of things to occur and freedom for one to move freely without much fear. The strengthening of policies can discourage evil doings but the lose implementation can lead to the rise of under ground economies.Much will be received if much can be given. The Ability of the Organization to Respond Risks USA is one of the most powerful and wealthiest countries in the world. The amount of problems cannot be ignored but to sum it up, the government made a fairly great job in running the country and making a better policy on the health system wouldn’t be that much difficult if given attention to. This country is where great minds meet and freedom of thinking is welcomed. Willingness to Commit to Organizational EnhancementWith much received attention from the media, scholars and victims of negligent treatments, issues that will pertain on health will be given a solution to, by the government, hopefully. Its mandate after all is to serve the people. The Barriers To Organizational Effectiveness Up to now, some politicians and insurance choose to be blind saying that there is nothing wrong with the health care system, but as years past, it is becoming more and more visible t hat there is something wrong and unless that problem is acknowledge, then it would never be undone. The Three Key Initiatives: 3. The Need for better Information DispersionIssue There is a saying that if you want something done, you’ve got to do it yourself. The people should know what they want and learn to voice it out. There will be much response from the administrative body if there is a unified cry. The people should be better informed when it comes to the current problems as well as know how can they break down the existing barriers that obstruct their way in leading a better life. The Degree of Risk People may resort to unnecessary means such as violence and brainwashing just to be heard, distorting the truth and forgetting the real aim of the cause.Small problems become big when misunderstandings and hearsay from unreliable sources (e. g. hearsay and liberal media) accumulate. The Internal and External Environmental Strengths and Weaknesses In this manner, it is all u p to the individual of whether he will give response to the ones happening in his environment. There will be a push and pull effect of the truth from the biased. The Ability of the Organization to Respond to Risks An individual by nature is a social being. Americans are well capable of distinguishing which are or which are not to trust.In the end, the experiences that they will gain will guide them through these undertakings and they themselves will know what is true that will in turn help them to decide. Willingness to Commit to Organizational Enhancement There had been a lot of reliable and accessible publications that describes the truth on what is happening to our system. More and more people are now aware of the existing discrepancies and will meet up to the challenge of providing as system that will work for all. The Barriers To Organizational EffectivenessRepressive reports and biased opinions for the sake of personal gain and protection would shatter the cause to spread out the truth to the public creating a much confused and disorganized community. References Gumbel A. (2007). Sicko? The truth about the US healthcare system. Independent News. Retrieved January 22, 2008 from http://news. independent. co. uk/world/americas Kao-Ping Chua. (2006). Overview of the U. S. Health Care System. AMSA Jack Rutledge Fellow. Retrieved January 22, 2008 from www. amsa. org/uhc/HealthCareSystemOverview. pdf Serber M. and A. Gauthier. (2005).A Need to Transform the US Healthcare System; Improving Access, Quality and Efficiency. Retrieved January 22, 2008 from http://www. commonwealthfund. org/publications/publications_show. htm? doc_id=302833 The US Healthcare System: The Best in the World or Just the Most Expensive? (2001) Bureau of Labor Education. Retrieved January 22, 2008 from dll. umaine. edu/ble/U. S. %20HCweb. pdf William S. Andereck. (2006). Modest proposal: health insurance for every person Drop Medicare, Medicaid and costly insurance. http://www. sfgate. com /cgi-bin/article. cgi? file=/chronicle/archive/2006/08/06/ING9HKAN4E1. DTL. (December 26, 2007).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Equestrian Symbolism essays

Equestrian Symbolism essays The ancient road was shaped before him in the rose and canted light like a dream of the past where the painted horses and the riders of that lost nation came down out of the north. . .When the wind was wild in the north you could hear them, the horses and the horses hooves that were shod in rawhide (McCarthy, 5). This vivid description suggests the encompassing theme of the horse in Cormac McCarthys All the Pretty Horses. As John Grady Cole stands on a lonely desert road in his homeland of west Texas, his home falling into the hands of another, he imagines himself a warrior like the Indians free and wild-riding on horseback, and headed toward adventure and the fulfillment of his dreams. Although it may seem at times to be merely the background in this novel, the horse is, nevertheless, an ever-present influence in the life of the hero, John Grady Cole. The very title, All the Pretty Horses, suggests a significant involvement and connection with horses as the central theme. Though its representation is extremely complex and intricate, the portrayal of the horse seems to reflect a few subtle allusions in John Gradys coming-of-age adventure. One primary representation of the horse is that it seems to symbolize John Grady's journey from a naive teenager to a mature man. From the very first pages of the novel, the feeling of travel and adventure permeates John Gradys actions until he finally sets off over the Texas plains toward Mexico. The obtaining of his fathers saddle from the closet in a hotel lends to this feeling of movement, of travel. "Hell fire and damnation!" John Grady exclaimed as he lifted a "brand new Hamley Formfitter saddle" from its place among the crumpled clothes in his father's closet (14). Adventure burns bright in his heart as he grasped the saddle horn and when he finally traverses over the Texas landscape, this sense of high adventure is in full swing. But of all t...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Anxiolytic activity Essays

Anxiolytic activity Essays Anxiolytic activity Essay Anxiolytic activity Essay Anxiolytic activity of Fennel fruit soxhlet Abstraction: Aim: The aim of the survey was to look into the anxiolytic activity of Fennel fruit Soxhlet in mice. Materials and Methods: Elevated plus maze ( EPM ) , light and dark box Arena ( L A ; DB ) and rotarod trial were the showing trials used to measure the anxiolytic activity of the soxhlet on mice. Diazepam ( 4 mg/kg ) served as the standard anxiolytic agent. Consequences: Diazepam treated mice showed a important addition in the figure of unfastened arm entries, percentile ratio of open/total arm entries and clip spent in the unfastened weaponries and Soxhlet treated mice exhibited a important addition in the figure of unfastened arm entries, clip spent in the unfastened weaponries, percentile ratio of unfastened arm to entire arm entries and figure of entire arm entriesin EPM at the doses of 250, 500, 750 and 1000mg/kg. Diazepam treated mice showed a important addition in the figure of light chamber entries, percentile ratio of light chamber to entire chamber entries and clip spent in the light chamber and Soxhlet treated mice exhibited a important addition in the figure of light chamber entries, clip spent in the light chamber, percentile ratio of light chamber to entire chamber entries and figure of entire chamber entries in L A ; DB at the doses of 250, 500, 750 and 1000 mg/kg. The keeping clip significantly decreased in the Diazepam and Soxhlet treated group when compared with the control group. Among test drug treated groups, 750 and 1000 mg/kg showed pronounced betterment ( P lt ; 0.01 ) compared to 250 and 500 mg/kg. Decision: Soxhlet of Fennel fruits produces outstanding anxiolytic activity in mice. Cardinal word: Anxiolytic, Anti anxiousness, Fennel fruit, Foeniculum vulgare Introduction: Anxiety is a normal emotional behavior. When it is terrible and/or chronic, nevertheless, it becomes pathological and can precipitate or worsen cardiovascular and psychiatric upsets. Although many drugs are available in allopathic medical specialty to handle anxiousness upsets, they produce assorted systemic side effects or exhibit tolerance upon chronic usage. In ayurvedic medical specialty, many works merchandises have been claimed to be free from side effects and less toxic than man-made drugs1. Fennel ( Foeniculum vulgare ) is a works species in the genus Foeniculum ( treated as the exclusive species in the genus by most phytologists ) 2. Fennel was good known to the Ancientss and was cultivated by the antediluvian Romans for its aromatic fruits and succulent, comestible shoots. Pliny had much religion in its medicative belongingss, harmonizing no less than 22 redresss to it, detecting besides that snake eat it when they cast their old teguments, and they sharpen their sight with the juice by rubbing against the plant3. Fennel is used for many intents like digestion, slimming and weight loss, detoxifier, hiking metamorphosis, tummy spasms, pyrosis, helps with forenoon illness, bloating, blushing the kidneys, helpful after chemotherapy and radiation4, hepatoprotective5, in asthma6 and many more upsets. Fennel tea exhibits impermanent CNS perturbations, vomit, lassitude, hapless Suckling, restlessness and torpor7. Fennel oil was found to be genotoxic in the B. subtilis DNA-re pair test8. Three pharmacologically validated experimental theoretical accounts like elevated plus maze 9, visible radiation and dark box10 and rotarod test11 were employed. Material and Method: Animals Male Swiss albino mice ( Mus muscle ) , weighing 25-35 g, were procured from the cardinal animate being house, Department ofAnimal house, Sree Siddaganga College of Pharmacy, Tumkur, affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore. The animate beings were maintained at the cardinal animate being house and were fed on a criterion balanced diet ( Hindustan Lever, Bangalore ) and provided with H2O ad libitum. All surveies were conducted in conformity with the National Institute of Health Guide. Chemical Clampose ( Diazepam ) is obtained commercially, manufactured by Ranbaxy laboratories Ltd. , used as Standard drug. Plant stuff and readying of infusions 500 gms of the dried fruits of Foeniculum vulgare were placed in a soxhlet setup with 300 milliliters of aqueous vehicle for 48 h. The full infusion of Foeniculum vulgare fruits was evaporated to dryness at low temperature. Storage The dose signifiers of the infusions were prepared newly and maintain, at temperature below room temperature, in airtight, amber colored phials to protect them from visible radiation. Dose Fixation Animal surveies have demonstrated toxic effects of fennel indispensable oil on foetal cells. However, no grounds of teratogenicity was seen12. No pathological toxicity was seen in the variety meats of dead animate beings, bespeaking that decease may be caused by the effects of metabolite instability or nervous system toxicity. The value of LD 50 was 1,326 mg/kg13. Appraisal of anxiolytic activity: Treatment agenda Elevated plus maze, light and dark box and rotarod trial: The animate beings were divided into 18 groups, dwelling of 6 mice per group. Groups 1, 7 and 13 received vehicle saline as control. Groups 2, 8 and 14 standard Standard anxiolytic drug ( Diazepam- 4mg/kg ) ; Groups 3, 9 and 15 standard trial drug ( soxhlet- 250mg/kg ) ; Groups 4,10 and 16 standard trial drug ( soxhlet- 500mg/kg ) ; Groups 5,11 and 17 standard trial drug ( soxhlet- 750mg/kg ) ; and Groups 6,12 and 18 standard trial drug ( soxhlet- 1000mg/kg ) . Elevated plus maze ( EPM ) The EPM setup consisted of two unfastened weaponries ( 30 x 5 centimeter ) and two closed weaponries ( 30 x 5 ten 20 centimeter ) emanating from a common cardinal platform ( 5 x 5 centimeter ) . The two braces of indistinguishable weaponries were opposite to each other. The full setup was elevated to a tallness of 50 centimeters above the floor degree. The animate beings received the intervention as per the agenda, 45 min before the start of the session. At the beginning of the session, a mouse was placed at the Centre of the labyrinth, its caput confronting the closed arm. It was allowed to research the labyrinth for 5 min. The clip spent in the unfastened arm, per centum entries in the unfastened and closed weaponries and entire entries were recorded. An entry was defined as the presence of all four paws in the arm. The EPM was carefully wiped, with 10 % ethyl alcohol after each test, to extinguish the possible prejudice due to the smell of the old animal14. Light and dark box ( LDB ) The setup consisted of an unfastened top wooden box. Two distinguishable Chamberss, a black chamber ( 20 X 30 Ten 35 centimeter ) painted black and lighted with dimmed ruddy visible radiation and a bright chamber ( 30 X 30 Ten 35 centimeter ) painted white and brilliantly illuminated with 100 W white visible radiation beginning, were located 17 centimeters above the box. The two Chamberss were connected through a little unfastened room access ( 7.5 X 5 centimeter ) situated on the floor degree at the Centre of the partition10. Rotarod trial Motor coordination was measured on the 7th twenty-four hours utilizing an automated rotarod ( Amni, Rotar Instrumentation, Columbus, OH, USA ) . The animate beings were exposed to 10 tests on a rotating rod at 10 revolutions per minute at 5 min. intervals with a cut off clip of 180 seconds15. The rotor was divided into two compartments, which could let two mice at a clip. The mean keeping clip on the rod was calculated. Statistical analysis One manner analysis of discrepancy ( One manner ANOVA ) followed by Scheffe s trial was employed for the analysis of anxiolytic belongings. P lt ; 0.01 was considered important. Consequence: Elevated plus maze ( EPM ) Diazepam treated mice showed a important addition in the figure of unfastened arm entries ( 4 mg/kg ) , percentile ratio of unfastened arm to entire arm entries ( 4 mg/kg ) and clip spent in the unfastened weaponries ( 4 mg/kg ) . They showed a decrease in clip spent in the closed weaponries ( 4 mg/kg ) . Soxhlet treated mice exhibited a important addition in the figure of unfastened arm entries ( 250, 500, 750 and 1000mg/kg ) , clip spent in the unfastened weaponries ( 250, 500, 750 and 1000mg/kg ) , percentile ratio of unfastened arm to entire arm entries ( 250, 500, 750 and 1000mg/kg ) and figure of entire arm entries ( 250, 500, 750 and 1000mg/kg ) but a lessening in clip spent in the closed weaponries ( 750 and 1000 mg/kg ) . Among test drug treated groups, 750 and 1000 mg/kg showed pronounced betterment ( P lt ; 0.01 ) compared to 250 and 500 mg/kg. Table-1: Elevated Pus labyrinth ( EPM ) S. No. Groups Dose No. of arm enteries Percentile ratio of Open/Total arm entries Time spent in weaponries Open arm Entire Open arm Closed arm 1. Group I ( Control ) 2.5 ±0.30* 5.33 ±0.20* 45.3 ±0.01* 6.7 ±0.21* 264.5 ±0.22* 2. Group II ( Standard ) 4mg/kg 11.5 ±0.30* 13.7 ±0.27* 78.5 ±0.00* 195.5 ±0.28* 47.5 ±0.28* 3. Group III ( Test ) 250mg/kg 7.5 ±0.33* 12.5 ±0.18* 66.1 ±0.01* 105.6 ±0.26* 150.5 ±0.28* 4. Group IV ( Test ) 500mg/kg 9.16 ±0.23* 13.7 ±0.27* 72.85 ±0.01* 138.3 ±0.46* 121 ±0.73* 5. Group V ( Test ) 750mg/kg 12.5 0.50* 15.6 ±0.16* 85.3 ±0.21* 164.0 ±0.53* 110 ±0.28* 6. Group VI ( Test ) 1000mg/kg 15.3 ±0.28* 17.0 ±0.08* 99.9 ±0.27* 190.5 ±0.28* 71 ±0.33* Valuess are provided in Mean ±SEM mode. * P lt ; 0.01 One manner ANOVA statistic was carried out. Light and dark box ( L A ; DB ) Diazepam treated mice showed a important addition in the figure of light chamber entries ( 4 mg/kg ) , percentile ratio of light chamber to entire chamber entries ( 4 mg/kg ) and clip spent in the light chamber ( 4 mg/kg ) . They showed a decrease in clip spent in the dark chamber ( 4 mg/kg ) . Soxhlet treated mice exhibited a important addition in the figure of light chamber entries ( 250, 500, 750 and 1000mg/kg ) , clip spent in the light chamber ( 250, 500, 750 and 1000mg/kg ) , percentile ratio of light chamber to entire chamber entries ( 250, 500, 750 and 1000mg/kg ) and figure of entire chamber entries ( 250, 500, 750 and 1000mg/kg ) but a lessening in clip spent in the dark chamber ( 750 and 1000 mg/kg ) . Among test drug treated groups, 750 and 1000 mg/kg showed pronounced betterment ( P lt ; 0.01 ) compared to 250 and 500 mg/kg. Table-2: Light and dark box ( L A ; DB ) S. No. Groups Dose No. of chamber enteries Percentile ratio of Light/Total chamber entries Time spent in weaponries Light chamber Entire Light chamber Dark chamber 1. Group I ( Control ) 1.0 ±0.20* 3.50 ±0.29* 38.8 ±0.02* 5.1 ±0.16* 285.6 ±0.28* 2. Group II ( Standard ) 4mg/kg 7.61 ±0.10* 9.61 ±0.30* 93.3 ±0.01* 213.5 ±0.15* 42.5 ±0.30* 3. Group III ( Test ) 250mg/kg 5.5 ±0.15* 11.0 ±0.15* 63.6 ±0.01* 85.0 ±0.6* 171 ±0.75* 4. Group IV ( Test ) 500mg/kg 7.51 ±0.15* 11.0 ±0.15* 74.2 ±0.02* 98.3 ±0.05* 153.4 ±0.30* 5. Group V ( Test ) 750mg/kg 9.41 ±0.13* 12.5 ±0.3* 80.8 ±0.01* 141.8 ±0.3* 129.6 ±0.48* 6. Group VI ( Test ) 1000mg/kg 11.5 ±0.15* 14.4 ±0.28* 100.4 ±0.30* 179.1 ±0.6* 95.6 ±0.30* Valuess are provided in Mean ±SEM mode. * P lt ; 0.01 One manner ANOVA statistic was carried out. Rotarod trial The keeping clip significantly decreased in the criterion ( Diazepam- 4mg/kg ) and test drug ( Soxhlet- 250, 500, 750 and 1000 mg/kg ) treated group when compared with the control ( Saline ) group. Muscle gripping strength significantly ( P lt ; 0.01 ) lessenings in 250, 500, 750 and 1000 mg/kg of test drug treated groups. Among test drug treated groups, 750 and 1000 mg/kg showed pronounced betterment ( P lt ; 0.01 ) compared to 250 and 500 mg/kg. Table-3: Rotarod trial S. No. Groups Dose Fall of clip Percentile lessening in autumn clip Before After 1. Group I ( Control ) 31.8 ±0.01* 30.6 ±0.33* 6.8 ±0.04* 2. Group II ( Standard ) 4mg/kg 35.0 ±0.00* 5.3 ±0.33* 96.5 ±0.02* 3. Group III ( Test ) 250mg/kg 32.5 ±0.16* 22.6 ±0.02* 37.9 ±0.02* 4. Group IV ( Test ) 500mg/kg 30.8 ±0.16* 17.2 ±0.16* 51.7 ±0.04* 5. Group V ( Test ) 750mg/kg 35.2 ±0.01* 12.4 ±0.02* 79.3 ±0.16* 6. Group VI ( Test ) 1000mg/kg 38.1 ±0.33* 8.5 ±0.16* 99.9 ±0.27* Valuess are provided in Mean ±SEM mode. * P lt ; 0.01 One manner ANOVA statistic was carried out. Discussion: The three experimental theoretical accounts of anxiousness, elevated plus maze and bright and dark box sphere and rotarod trial, are based on the premise that unfamiliar, non-protective and brilliantly lit environmental emphasis provokes suppression of normal behaviour. This normal behavioural suppression is farther augmented in the presence of fright or anxiousness like province. In the elevated plus maze, the unfastened weaponries are more fear provoking than the closed weaponries. The ratio of entries, clip spent and rise uping behaviour in unfastened weaponries to closed weaponries reflects the safety of closed weaponries with comparative fright of unfastened arms16. The decrease in entry, clip spent, ratio of unfastened arm to entire arm entries and increased laxation are the indicants of high degree of fright or anxiousness. Anxiolytic drugs increase the proportion of entries, clip spent and rise uping in unfastened weaponries. They besides increase the ratio of unfastened arm to entire arm entries. In the visible radiation and dark box paradigm, the brilliantly illuminated environment is a noxious environment stressor that inhibits the explorative behaviour of gnawers. Decrease in the figure of entries, clip spent and rise uping behaviour in the light chamber is regarded as markers of anxiety10 that can be reduced due to a high degree of fright. Test drug administered mice, subjected to the rotarod trial, revealed a important loss of muscular coordination and the hapless public presentation. This could be due to loss of muscular strength17. The fruits ( seeds ) contain a figure of flavonoid compounds, including quercetin 3-glucuronide, isoquercetin, kaempferol 3-glucuronide, and kaempferol 3-arabinoside18. The GLC measurings of the fennel volatile oil reveal that the t-anethole is the prevailing fraction19. It is good known that infusions, works sources20 isolated components from plants21 and man-made drugs such as benzodiazepines and phenobarbital22 possess anxiolytic and ataractic activities. In the EPM, the lessening in the clip spent in the unfastened arm, without a alteration in the unfastened arm, closed arm and entire entries at higher doses, may be attributed to the ataractic consequence of the infusions. This agreed with the earlier study by Sukma et al 23 in the instance of barakol, a component of Cassia siamia Lamk. Fennel oil, its components and related compounds were examined to happen those that would suppress collection of coney thrombocytes induced by ADP, collagen or arachidonic acid. Fennel oil is proved to be good inhibitors, every bit effectual as acetylsalicylic acid, against thrombocyte aggregation24. And platelet collection evoked by 5-hydroxytryptamine and A23187, a Ca ionophore25. So, the drug may be serotonin adversary or a calcium channel blocker. The function of 5-HT in anxiousness is now good established and it has been once and for all shown that addition in cardinal serotonergic activity constantly leads to anxiety, whereas lessening in encephalon 5-HT activity consequences in anxiolysis26. Calcium ionophores are by and large assumed to straight ease the conveyance of Ca2+ across the plasma membrane27. Fennel besides has utilizations for handling angina due to calcium channel blocker like effect28. In an effort to happen as tocolytic agents with less inauspicious consequence the fennel indispensable oil as Ca channel blocker is the best13. The ability of Ca channel blockers to displace the binding of benzodiazepine ligands was investigated in rat bosom, kidney, and encephalon. The dihydropyridine Ca channel blockers nifedipine and nitrendipine displaced the binding of the non-neuronal-site ligand [ 3H ] Ro5-486429 and Nifedipine ( 2 and 5 mg/kg ) , a dihydropyridine-type Ca2+ channel blocker, produced a flumazenil-resistant anxiolytic effect30. In this manner test drug may be calcium channel blocker and possess Anxiolytic belongings. As the trial drug possesses anxiolytic-like consequence similar to that of Valium, still it should be farther studied to find its possible usage in human existences. Mentions: 1. 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Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Hero

Loss of a Hero â€Å"Mandy, Grandpa is going to the hospital. He cannot stop shaking and has to have some tests taken,† my mom said when she called on Sunday January 26, 2003. It was really hard for my family to see the pain my grandpa was having and not knowing what was causing it and what was wrong. After hearing what had all gone wrong with my grandpa, our hearts were broken. On Wednesday, he had another MRI done and found out that he had a tumor on his back. They took him to radiology right away. That night, my mom and aunts were alone with him and said a prayer. â€Å"If Dad has to suffer, God please take him now because we do not want our dad to be in pain,† my family said with tears streaming down their faces. The next day, they found out it was prostate cancer from about five years ago, and the doctor said that it could be spreading throughout his whole body by now. They were going to try radiation to try to shrink his tumor on his spine hoping that it would hopefully make him walk again. A couple of weeks had passed, and so did the 18 sessions of radiology. With all of them being unsuccessful, my mom decided to go to his last one to see what was going to happen next. When my mom came home that day, she told me what was wrong with my grandpa. â€Å"He shouldn’t have to go through this pain. He is he happiest person there is,† I told my mom. The next couple of days passed and the same thing was happening. My grandpa was not Zellmann 2 talking or eating much. On the following Sunday, he talked more. â€Å"Does Terry still play baseball for the Young America Cardinals,†my grandpa asked my mom. â€Å"Not anymore,† replied my mom. â€Å"Then I don’t give a damn if they win or lose,† he said. Hearing my grandpa talk that day was wonderful. On Tuesday, my family found out that my grandpa was experiencing heart failure and pneumonia. When my mom found that out, she immediately called us. â€Å"Come to the h... Free Essays on Hero Free Essays on Hero Loss of a Hero â€Å"Mandy, Grandpa is going to the hospital. He cannot stop shaking and has to have some tests taken,† my mom said when she called on Sunday January 26, 2003. It was really hard for my family to see the pain my grandpa was having and not knowing what was causing it and what was wrong. After hearing what had all gone wrong with my grandpa, our hearts were broken. On Wednesday, he had another MRI done and found out that he had a tumor on his back. They took him to radiology right away. That night, my mom and aunts were alone with him and said a prayer. â€Å"If Dad has to suffer, God please take him now because we do not want our dad to be in pain,† my family said with tears streaming down their faces. The next day, they found out it was prostate cancer from about five years ago, and the doctor said that it could be spreading throughout his whole body by now. They were going to try radiation to try to shrink his tumor on his spine hoping that it would hopefully make him walk again. A couple of weeks had passed, and so did the 18 sessions of radiology. With all of them being unsuccessful, my mom decided to go to his last one to see what was going to happen next. When my mom came home that day, she told me what was wrong with my grandpa. â€Å"He shouldn’t have to go through this pain. He is he happiest person there is,† I told my mom. The next couple of days passed and the same thing was happening. My grandpa was not Zellmann 2 talking or eating much. On the following Sunday, he talked more. â€Å"Does Terry still play baseball for the Young America Cardinals,†my grandpa asked my mom. â€Å"Not anymore,† replied my mom. â€Å"Then I don’t give a damn if they win or lose,† he said. Hearing my grandpa talk that day was wonderful. On Tuesday, my family found out that my grandpa was experiencing heart failure and pneumonia. When my mom found that out, she immediately called us. â€Å"Come to the h... Free Essays on Hero A Hero Who is a hero? What are the qualities of a hero? Are there any heroes left? The word â€Å"hero† is not used today as it was many years ago. Years ago a hero was a warrior who fought his enemies to save lives. Today we know there are many types of heroes. A hero is anyone who changes the life of another in a positive way. The classic definition of a hero is a strong courageous man who fights evil to defend the lives of the innocent. Many times he would be a fiction hero. Superhuman strength would be the most important characteristic of a hero in one of these adventure stories. A hero also has to be fearless, caring, and famous. His enemies would include supernatural beings like a monster, a witch, or the infamous dragon. Not all heroes were fictitious. War generals like notorious Napoleon were considered heroes for their warfare. George Washington led the American Revolution to bring indepences to American. Firefighters risk their lives everyday to rescue civilians. The police force place their lives on the line everyday to make the world a safer place. Risking one’s life for someone else creates a hero. A person does not have to kill anyone, conquer a foreign land, or risk life to be a hero. Anyone who influences other people by saving or helping their life is a hero. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. changed the lives of millions of people by bringing justice to minorities. Parents can be heroes to their children by leading them in the right direction. Teachers are heroes when they make it their job to teach children what will help them in life. To become a hero people do not have to go to great lengths to risk their life for someone else. A hero is any person who changes the life of another person in a positive way. No one has to kill monsters, rescue people, or lead a war to become a hero. Neither superhuman power, recognition, nor fame required to be a hero. All heroes must have courage. ... Free Essays on Hero Francisco Goya, considered to be â€Å"the Father of Modern Art,† began his painting career just after the late Baroque period. In expressing his thoughts and feelings frankly, as he did, he became the pioneer of new artistic tendencies which were to come to fruition in the nineteenth century. Two trends dominated the art of his contradictory; they actually were not. Together they represented the reaction against previous conceptions of art and the desire for a new form of expression. In order to understand the scope of Goya’s art, and to appreciate the principles which governed his development and tremendous versatility, it is essential to realize that his work extended over a period of more than sixty years, for he continued to draw and paint until he was eighty two years old. The importance of this factor is evident between his attitude towards life in his youth, when he accepted the world as it was quite happily, in his manhood when he began to criticize it, and in his old age when he became embittered and disillusioned with people and society. Furthermore, the world changed completely during his lifetime. The society, in which he had achieved a great success disappeared during the Napoleonic war. Long before the end of the eighteenth century Goya had already turned towards his new ideals and expressed then in his graphic art and in his paintings. As an artist, Goya was temperament far removed from the classicals. In a few works he approached Classical style, but in the greater part of his work the Romantic triumphed. Born in Zaragoza, Spain, he found employment as a young teenager under the mediocre artist Jose’ Luzan, from whom he learned to draw and as was customary, copied the prints of several masters. At the age of seventeen he went to Madrid. Two painters who were working there, the last of the great Venetian painters-Tiepolo and the rather cold and efficient neo-classical painter- Antonio Raphael Mengs... Free Essays on Hero Hero can be defined in many different ways. The word â€Å"Hero† has been used a great deal in the news, sometimes rather loosely. The term is as diverse as the person utilizing it. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes and are different from one generation to another. Be it a cartoon character for a small child, a movie idol for teenagers, or action heroes of yester year to the elderly, there is always one common characteristic. These heroes have attained admiration from a specific action taken which others are unwilling or unable to do. A hero is defined by the Webster dictionary as a courageous, valorous man. There are many people that our society deems or defines as â€Å"Heroes.† I believe a hero is someone with the ability to do extraordinary actions in difficult situations, being able to risk his or her own life rather than sacrifice the lives of others. My heroes are the ordinary people that rise above their own limitations to accomplish significant actions that make a tremendous impact on the lives of others. I see firefighters, doctors, EMS, police officers, and teachers as these unsung heroes. I think they are heroes because these are the people who do such acts of heroism in a time of need fully aware of the severity of the situation. I think teachers can be described as heroes because they influence so many children every day, teaching right from wrong, and instilling values such as, â€Å"Do unto others as you would have done to you.† Some teachers also have the ability to show children how to help others; this they do from teaching by example. In conclusion, my opinion is simply that firefighters and police officers, as well as doctors, are most often taken for granted these days. People don’t realize how lucky we are to live in a society where there are such courageous people who have the ability to show true heroism when most needed.... Free Essays on Hero Hero When I think of a hero I immediately think of someone who is strong, intelligent, handsome, and daring. Upon closer examination, many different qualities than these become apparent. Courage, honesty, bravery, selflessness, and the will to try are just a few of the overlooked qualities of a hero. The definition of heroism changes with the context and time. Heroes of the past are not necessarily heroes of present time and vise versa. A person can be a hero for saving the life of one or of millions. Heroes are not only real people, but they are also fantasy figures. Children are extremely interested with legendary and fantasy figures because they take on such tasks as: difficult journeys, challenges with dragons, discovering lost treasure, and changing the nature of the world through their singular acts of courage and selflessness. They also endure much resistance, hardship, and danger. Often the hero learns valuable lessons about survival and self-reliance. Not only do heroes teach val uable lessons they give a child a sense of belonging. To a child, a hero is an invincible person who will change the world. There is another type of hero that almost no one is aware of. In the poorest areas of the country, live mostly minorities and other ethic background. All their lives they’ve been expected to work harder and expected not succeed in life. Some individuals living in poverty with a determination to succeed work hard all of their lives to become what everybody doubted they could. Escaping the crime, drugs, and prostitution is enough to escape hell, even if they don’t go to college. Despite of their financial problems, drug and crime surroundings, or difficulties in the language skills, their desire to triumph fuels their persistence. Those who make it to success are the few living examples of the purest form of hero anyone can be. They are not only their own heroes but also the heroes of the poor children who dream of becoming l... Free Essays on Hero The word hero is not used today as it was many years ago. A hero is anyone who changes anyone’s life in a positive way and accomplishes their goals. A long time ago a hero was a warrior who fought and killed his enemies to save many lives. Since September 11, the word hero has taken on a whole new meaning. Today we know there are many types of heroes. They put their lives on the line everyday to help and they have never killed anyone. The classic definition of a hero is a strong courageous man who fights evil to defend the lives of the innocent. Many times he would be a made up story hero. Superhuman strength would be the most important characteristic of what a hero would be given in one of these adventure stories. A hero also had to be fearless, caring, and famous. His enemies would include supernatural beings like a monster, a witch or the infamous dragon. Having made up heroes raised the spirits of many during their hard times. Not all heroes were made up. War generals like the notorious Napoleon were considered heroes for their heroic warfare. George Washington led the American Revolution to bring freedom to thousands of Americans. You also don’t have to kill anyone, conquer foreign land, or risk your life to be a hero. Anyone who influences anyone else by saving or helping save their lives is a hero. Even Mahatma Gandhi, one of the greatest heroes, led a nonviolent revolution to free his country. Even a parent can be a hero to his or her child by leading them in the right direction. All teachers are heroes when they make it their job to teach a child anything that will help them in life. You don’t have to go to great lengths by risking your life to make a difference in someone else’s life. There is another type of hero that almost no one is aware of. In the poorest areas of the country lives mostly minorities. All their lives they’ve been expected to work harder and expected not succeed in life. ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Personal issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Personal issue - Essay Example issue of such a sleep problem as insomnia, for it relates to me extremely directly for a long time, and I believe I know the true reason of its occurrence, but let’s see am I right or not. Insomnia is the most frequent manifestation of a temporary malfunction of the nervous system in response to various stressors. There is no specific nature of insomnia appearance, as in different cases it can peer out in different ways. â€Å"While theres no standard definition for insomnia, suggested criteria include taking more than 30 minutes to fall asleep, waking up too early, or sleeping less than 6 1/2 hours a night...† (Beals). This is three types of the disease. Many factors may cause the problem including chronic disease of different kinds, overwork, overexcitement, and all this is worsened by unhealthy lifestyle, negative attitudes towards the world and people on the whole, and oneself in particular. If to cast a bit detailed glance at seeds of insomnia, the most frequent among them are psychological problems, violation of the usual regime, as well as other diseases (heart, liver, etc.), or the use of psychotropic drugs, alcohol, or a cup of strong coffee before goi ng to sleep, overeating in the evening hours, especially junk greasy food. Insomnia can be affected by intense mental work, noisy games, compulsive reading at bedtime or even smoking. It also occurs in the cases of constant expectation of poor sleep and related experiences, as well as can be a result of insufficient physical activity. The specific side of the disease is connected with the fact that â€Å"Although many patients can link the start of their insomnia to a particular cause, others have a form of insomnia with no underlying connection to another disorder† (The New York Times). In such a case there is a need of seeking medical advice if a sleep is not normalized in short terms. Depending on duration of disturbance, there are three forms or phases of insomnia, namely: a transient or episodic one

Friday, October 18, 2019

Research paper on hiv in the miss delta Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

On hiv in the miss delta - Research Paper Example Consequentially, the federal government has been instrumental in dealing with this situation. It has invested massive resources in treatment and research in finding a lasting cure (Mancoske and Smith, 2004). However, the epidemic continues to spread at a staggering rate. In controlling the situation, the Centers for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) has been instrumental in focusing on the progress in fighting the pandemic. While focusing on the Mississippi delta, CDC conducted research on the prevalence of the epidemic in the area. It was found out that Mississippi is an area highly affected with HIV. To control the situation, most of the organizations that deal with HIV and AIDS have decided to focus their attention in this area. According to statistics conducted in Mississippi in 2011, there are more males that are affected than females. The statistics state that 69% of the population affected with HIV (Schneidewind, 2011). On the other hand, only 31% are females affected with HIV. This shows that the spread of HIV among males is more than half when compared to females. Attention in Mississippi has been drawn to assist in reduction of spread amongst males. This has been successful as many organizations have started educational centers to sensitize the population. This has been doing well as the spread of HIV has been recording a drop. In taking a closer look at the demographics, it is estimated that 72% of the people living with HIV are blacks who are not Hispanic. This is followed by 23% of whites who are not Hispanic. Hispanic and Asian people living with HIV are estimated at 2% each. The other percentage is spread across other races and ethnicities. In the recent research in 2011, it is believed that social factors are contributors in the spread of HIV (Schneidewind, 2011). Is it stated that the spread of HIV is rife in southern counties of Mississippi where people are living in mere squalor (Acton, 2012). According to recent statistics, it shows that counties that have the highest number of people affected with HIV are living in abject poverty. Statistics show that one in every five people live below the acceptable poverty line (Schneidewind, 2011). As such, a fifth of the population is earning far less income to sustain their lifestyle. Consequentially, there is a close connection between people living below the federal poverty line and the spread of HIV (Satcher, 2007). People that live below the federal poverty line are ten times more likely to have HIV than people that have a steady income and live above the poverty line. For instance, a household that earns less than $ 10, 000 in a year houses people that are more likely to have HIV as compared to families that earn over $ 50, 000 in a year. Similarly, the healthcare services in these regions are in deplorable state. The access to healthcare has been a hard task and people are likely to be affected by opportunistic diseases (Ciambrone, 2003). In controlling the situation, t he federal government has ensured there is supply of more resources to these areas. Improvement of healthcare services has been instrumental in reducing the prevalence of HIV. In addition to this, unemployment plays a big role in the spread of HIV. It is estimated that the unemployment rate in Mississippi is at 10%. This increases the number of people that are prone to infections. Awareness is one of the factors that contribute to reduction in the spread of

Key Characteriscics for Effective Leadership Essay

Key Characteriscics for Effective Leadership - Essay Example To be effective, a leader must possess certain characteristics that can bring people together and harness the potentials of these people to execute an activity of series of activities successfully. If the leader does not know how to set his or her organization in the right direction, the organization will not be productive and when an organization is not productive, its people will eventually leave (Blanchard et al 2005). A misguided organization may not even survive in a very competitive environment thus, it is very important for a leader to know how to direct its people and stay in the right course. In today’s business environment, every organization needs the right kind of leader to stay alive and productive in a highly competitive environment. Understanding the nature of leadership by identifying the desirable traits of effective leaders is very important. For the purpose of this essay, we will evaluate the different successful leaders in our modern times to identify the characteristics that made them effective leaders in their fields. To go about these tasks, we will take a look at the work of Jack Welch of General Electric Inc, Steve Jobs of Apple Inc and Bill Gates of Microsoft. General Electric Inc is one of the top companies worldwide and its journey towards the top has been the lifework of its former Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Jack Welch. On the other hand, Apple Inc and Microsoft have both revolutionized the world of computers and gadgets in the past decades. In order for a company to move forward and in the right direction, it needs to attract the right kind of leaders to run its affairs. According to Drucker (1967), characteristics of leaders may differ but they always get the right things done and in doing their jobs, these people also utilize their time effectively, organize their tasks according to priorities, focus on the contribution of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Experiment Setup and Economic Theory Assignment

The Experiment Setup and Economic Theory - Assignment Example Microeconomics theory puts into account the total of quantity demanded by the consumers and the supplied quantity by the producers. The aim of microeconomics is to analyze mechanisms of the market that put in place the relative prices amongst services and goods, and allocation of scarce resources amongst substitute uses. It also analyzes market failure. In a monopolistic competition, there are some assumptions that the producer has to make concerning the demand and supply as they assume there is a perfect competition in the market. This shows that there are many consumers and producers in the market as one does not require the entry and exit fee to qualify to be the member of that firm. In the monopolistic firm, the prices are controlled by the producer. That is why they are termed as the price controllers as they are the ones who determine the price of a given product. And since they make decisions themselves, they are the ones who determine the prices of the commodity that they sell to the consumers. When the prices are high, the demand goes down as the consumption of the commodity reduces. Due to higher prices, the consumers do not satisfy their needs and wants. As a result of low consumption, the supply of the product goes down in the market. On the other hand, when there are low prices in the market, the product demand increases as the consumers are able to purchase the commodity at a lower price, and due to high consumption rate, the supply also increases. In the first session, one is interested in determining the price of the commodity, thus known as price determination. When the producer lowers the price below the ones shown in the first session, the quantity of the commodity will increase as the demand is high. The result is low prices and low profits. And if the seller increases the price of a product, the demand for that product will decrease as the buyers will be unwilling to purchase the product, thus decreasing the quality of the commodity.  Ã‚  

Food Inc. Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Food Inc. Reflection - Essay Example Thus, purchasing cucumbers or tomatoes in winter consumers are just content with up-to-date service without any reflections about the quality or presence of the vitamins in vegetables. We do not know all the truth about today’s food production and the most grievous thing is that the biggest part of us does not even wish to find it out, eating those food items that damage the state of health. We have got used to be unaware and allow listless companies to hide crucial information that brings them big profits at the expense of our lives. But now, due to a documentary movie â€Å"Food Inc.† by Robert Kenner, it is the right time to see things clearly and make an attempt to change something. Everything is in our hands, because where there is a will, there is a way. After watching mentioned documentary film a lot of food items that have been quite acceptable for you earlier start to be prohibited by your conscience so abruptly. Represented pictures of scared hogs in slaughter house along with crippled and unable to walk cows in the farms bring a shock to your mind. Having another portion of fry potatoes for your dinner, you have never thought about how exactly fast-food restaurants get raw materials for their menus. You have never imagined the conditions of cultivation and treatment of animals while choosing meal. Making a bite of hamburger, you have never known the story of three-year-old Kevin, who died because of the E-coli infection and whose mother still tries to reach justice. A documentary movie manages to open your eyes on the things that have been hidden from you for so many years. With its help you begin to realize that all this time you have been just a marionette in a rough fight for profits of food companies that do not care for your life, making production â€Å"faster, fatter, bigger, cheaper† (Kenner, 2008). The main point of the movie is an idea of own health protection with a help of persnickety and conscious food choice. â€Å" Food Inc.† reveals the process of whole industrial system changes. Nowadays agriculture develops rapidly. However, despite high technological level, the quality of the agricultural products continues to decrease. Companies cheat on consumers, providing them with attractively packed products, meanwhile, farmers feed animals with corn to make them grow faster and bigger that afterwards allow to cut prices. Tyson grower, Vince Edwards, stated, â€Å"If you can grow a chicken in forty nine days then why would you want to grow it in three month? More money in your pocket† (Kenner, 2008). This proves the fact that food companies make everything to receive additional revenue, being indifferent to ethical policy. Realizing all the consequences of unhealthy meals with a help of â€Å"Food Inc.†, I start to care about where my food comes from more carefully, while formerly this information has been totally uninteresting for me. When you do not know obvious things, you sinc erely believe that everything that tastes good is clean and healthy. In addition, fast food products cost much cheaper than vegetables and fruits. That manages to make them so popular and attractive, creating a problem of people’s inability to buy expensive, though healthy, food. Divulging the secrets of food industry, stated documentary film compels you to think about your own diet more thoroughly. Pictures of nasty and dusting chicken houses repulse and induce to reflect about

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Experiment Setup and Economic Theory Assignment

The Experiment Setup and Economic Theory - Assignment Example Microeconomics theory puts into account the total of quantity demanded by the consumers and the supplied quantity by the producers. The aim of microeconomics is to analyze mechanisms of the market that put in place the relative prices amongst services and goods, and allocation of scarce resources amongst substitute uses. It also analyzes market failure. In a monopolistic competition, there are some assumptions that the producer has to make concerning the demand and supply as they assume there is a perfect competition in the market. This shows that there are many consumers and producers in the market as one does not require the entry and exit fee to qualify to be the member of that firm. In the monopolistic firm, the prices are controlled by the producer. That is why they are termed as the price controllers as they are the ones who determine the price of a given product. And since they make decisions themselves, they are the ones who determine the prices of the commodity that they sell to the consumers. When the prices are high, the demand goes down as the consumption of the commodity reduces. Due to higher prices, the consumers do not satisfy their needs and wants. As a result of low consumption, the supply of the product goes down in the market. On the other hand, when there are low prices in the market, the product demand increases as the consumers are able to purchase the commodity at a lower price, and due to high consumption rate, the supply also increases. In the first session, one is interested in determining the price of the commodity, thus known as price determination. When the producer lowers the price below the ones shown in the first session, the quantity of the commodity will increase as the demand is high. The result is low prices and low profits. And if the seller increases the price of a product, the demand for that product will decrease as the buyers will be unwilling to purchase the product, thus decreasing the quality of the commodity.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Islamic and Western Civilizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Islamic and Western Civilizations - Essay Example However, there is a section of the academic community that has opposed the clash theory from the start and continues to attack it as having proceeded on the wrong premise. This paper assessed the rationale and validity of Huntington's thesis and evaluated the logic of the arguments lined up by critics against it. The new world order seen by Huntington (1996) after the Cold War, in which the bloodiest clashes will occur between Islam and the West, is actually prefigured by events in early history that included the European forays of Islamic forces in Europe. Troops carrying the Islamic flag supposedly attacked the Ottoman Turks in Vienna and parts of Eastern Europe and conquered but were later repulsed from Iberia. In effect, there had always been an ideological conflict between Islam and Christianity, on which Western civilization is based, because of the universal belief that one's religion is always better than the others. For this reason, followers of one religion seek to convert others and this becomes the source of conflicts. Huntington in his book Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order indicated that through the years, as Western countries prospered and outpaced other regions that practice non-Christian religions, the concept of universalism acquired more than religious meaning in the West, which began to believe that all civilizations should adopt Western values. This is perceived to be the underlying reason behind the US invasion of Iraq and its continued presence in that Muslim country. This becomes a source of great resentment for Muslims, especially the Islamic fundamentalists. All these historical and modern factors combined have led and would farther lead to bloody clashes between the Islamic and Western civilizations. Among the more recent expressions of such anti-Western resentment were 9/11, the Afghanistan-Iraq conflict, and the Israeli-Hizbollah-Lebanese wars in 2006. Fault Line Wars In Huntington's view, conflicts between different civilizations manifest itself in two forms - fault line conflicts and core state conflicts. Fault line conflicts are those that occur between neighboring states belonging to different civilizations or within states that are home to populations from different civiliz

Macroeconomics - Globalisation Essay Example for Free

Macroeconomics Globalisation Essay For its supporters, globalisation describes a dream of opportunity and prosperity. For its opponents, it denotes a nightmare of greed and inequality Explain the term globalisation and the factors that may have contributed to the process. Globalisation can be defined as the integration of the worlds economies into a single international market, as local and national markets become incorporated into the global capitalist system of production with increasing interdependence. It promotes the free movement of labour, capital, goods, services, technology and management in response to markets around the world. The growth of markets in this manner is not a new, but a process that has seen the markets grow from a local scale to a national one during the Industrial Revolution and to an international scale by the end of the 20th century. The growth of international trade has been significant in furthering globalisation. During the Industrial Revolution, Britain had a significant comparative advantage as its advanced manufacturing technology allowed hugely improved transport through steamships and railway networks across its Empire. This opened up huge potential markets around the globe for British exports, at the same time making a huge range of goods from these new trading partners accessible to British consumers. Although comparative advantages have changed, this is a trend that has continued into the 21st century, with the rise of low cost air travel and other forms of transport becoming quicker, cheaper and further reaching. There is certainly incentive for this international trade driving globalisation has seen a rise in the trade of manufactured goods to $12 trillion in 2005, a hundred times greater than it was in 1955. Over a similar period, the industrialisation of LEDCs has also been significant. As systems of production in economies such as the Asian Tigers, including Taiwan, South Korea and Hong Kong, and increasingly the Tiger Cubs of Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia along with other NICs have advanced; their economies have become increasingly suited to manufacturing industries. Cheap labour costs in these countries encourage this development, which has been partly responsible for a new international division of labour. As production and trade of quaternary services such as research and development has increased in the three main areas of influence of North America, the EU and Japan, MNCs have increasingly looked to NICs to provide secondary industry, incentivised by low production costs and an increasingly welcoming attitude from national governments. Whilst restrictions still exist, this is particularly true in India, where rules that previously did not allow FDI are loosening and large firms such as Wal-Mart are seeing opportunities to access new markets, particularly in the IT sector. It is perhaps a result of this and other economic liberalising policies that India is seeing growth rates of 9%. Whilst the rise of globalisation has certainly seen a widening in participation in international trade not even the oil producing nations are, for example, energy independent, some economies are far more integrated in the global capitalist system of production than others. As many MEDCs specialise in the production of services, very little of their economies are left purely domestic. In contrast, however, the remaining non-industrialised LEDCs, such as those in Sub-Saharan Africa, have significantly less impact on the global economy. Trading in cash crops and similar primary goods, much economic activity in these nations is still domestic, with many farmers, notably, practicing subsistence farming to the point they have little to no involvement in the cash economy. Evaluate the view that, although globalisation has brought benefits to the UK economy, it has not been without significant costs. The process of globalisation has not continued without criticism. Clearly, there have been considerable benefits to the UK economy over several hundred years as a result of globalisation, but are there costs associated with the rise of the global economy and, indeed, are those costs now outweighing the benefits of an interdependent world? Globalisation has increased the competitiveness of UK markets. Competing in highly contestable markets, British firms face competition from abroad. A few large firms, between whom collusion very well may have occurred, as explained by game theory, had typically dominated domestic markets. As more firms entered the market, they erode larger firms market share with which they may have exercised monopoly power. Domestic firms are thus forced to become more productively efficient, producing at lower cost to compete with, for example, goods manufactured using cheap labour in South East Asia. Competition would also promote innovation so that in an economy with high labour costs, British industry could gain a comparative advantage over foreign firms. The effect of globalisation has thus been an influx of new goods and services combined with lower prices on existing goods, now of a better quality. Globalisation has therefore lead to a net gain in welfare for UK consumers. However, the realities of the situation are very different. Realistically, UK firms cannot compete in the manufacturing industry where economies with cheap labour have been deemed to provide unfair competition. The UK is a high labour cost country and thus at a comparative disadvantage which is effectively impossible to overcome, as demonstrated with the loss of the motor industry in the UK during the 1970s. Footloose capitalism has no preferred location, and as such will shift production to wherever costs are lowest. Globalisation has spurred the process of de-industrialisation, whereby employment in the manufacturing sector has fallen from 7.1 million in 1971 to 3.1 million in 2005, where the size of the UK labour force has in fact grown with rising participation rates. Many of these workers are either unskilled or have been trained to a specific task, making it difficult for them to find alternative employment, compounding the problem. The effects have not just been felt in manufacturing, but increasingly in the service section as IT booms in India and many firms opt for business process outsourcing. Surveys by Deloitte have shown that much of the UK population are deeply concerned about the outsourcing of white-collar jobs. Globalisation has lead to job losses in the UK, causing social distress and negatively affecting unemployment rates, an important economic performance indicator. The picture is not as bleak as it may seem, however. Unemployment rates in the UK remain low, and that generated can be viewed as frictional unemployment as other vacancies do exist. Government training schemes, such as free IT lessons under the auspices of Learn Direct also go a long way to combating structural unemployment as manufacturing workers can retrain for jobs in the quaternary sector. Whilst the UK has lost the majority of its manufacturing industries, a new international division of labour has emerged as the theory of comparative advantage shows that global production is increased if economies specialise in what they are relatively best at producing. The UKs specialisation in the service industry has lead to job creation and significantly increases in national output. Measured through real GDP growth, this rise in national output as a result of specialisation shows that globalisation has been in part responsible for economic growth. Augmented by the multiplier effect, this brings benefits to the whole economy. However, the direct economic benefits derived from globalisation have in fact widened spatial inequalities rather than benefited all, as impacts have differed between the regions. Under the international division of labour, there has been a greater emphasis on knowledge-based industry with the rise of the service sector, with 73.1% of national output in 2004 being in the service sector, compared to manufacturings 15%. Where benefits from these dramatic figured? Quaternary and knowledge-based services are concentrated around the M4 corridor the sunrise strip, and silicon fen, with R+D focused on science parks located around southern universities such as Oxford and Cambridge. These effects of de-industrialisation have created a north/south divide, as the north is traditionally home to the manufacturing industry. Northeast England never fully recovered from loss of traditional heavy manufacturing industries such ad shipbuilding. The consequential migration of workers to the south of England has placed pressure on resources and housing, whilst some northern areas such as Liverpool have seen a fall in population. This is allocatively inefficient resources are wasted whilst the necessary investment needed to deal with the new distribution of population has spurred further investment in the south, widening the north/south divide. In conclusion, the costs to the UK economy from the march of globalisation are highly significant, although their impact can be disputed when the importance of globalisation to UK economic development is considered. However, globalisation is not a process that can be reversed, halted or even slowed. The world is interdependent and will continue to be so, and the UK must be a part of it. International trade, the driving force of globalisation, is enormously important to the UK has been responsible for its position as a major economic power since the days of the British Empire. We have neither the resources nor the inclination to pursue a policy of economic isolationism, as the potential benefits from globalisation are huge. The best option, therefore, would be a cautious approach, devising strategies to tackle problems as they arise with a fundamental focus on sustainability.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The effects of rape on victims

The effects of rape on victims Irina Anderson explores the current rape perception of both male and female rape and whether the respondents gender affects this perception in a journal article called What is a typical rape? Effects of victims and participants gender in female and male perception which was published in The British Journal of Social Psychology. This article also investigates the cultural lag theory of male rape. The findings in this study demonstrate that, contrary to predictions made at the start of the article, when asked to describe a typical rape, male and female, it was the stranger rape stereotype that was the prevailing way most used to describe this. It was also shown that instead of lagging behind female rape according to the stranger-acquaintance dimension, male rape was conceptualized in terms of other factor, for example sexual orientation, which were often deemed homophobic. I found this journal article interesting and accessible to read. After reading the hypothesis proposed at the begi nning of the article, I was intrigued to see that many of the predictions were in fact proved false at the end of the article, for example it was predicted that when asked to describe a typical rape participants would describe an acquaintance rape where as in previous years the stranger rape stereotype was the way most described a typical rape. However the results of this study show that in fact the stranger rape stereotype is still the predominant way people imagine a typical rape. This led me to question how much rape perception has actually changed in our society. I also found that both the aims and findings of the research were clear, accurate and relevant; they were clearly laid out and overall I found the article effortless to read. In addition the acknowledgment of the limitation to the research enhanced the article. The article begins by giving a brief summary of previous studies and research which has been carried out to investigate the same research topic. The ideas of acquaintance rape, where the victim is raped by someone known to them e.g. boyfriend, date, relative, friend, and stranger rape stereotype, where the victim is raped by someone unknown to them, are introduced and the ideas surrounding them are discussed. For example acquaintance rape is usually expected to happen indoors and the victim having spent time with the perpetrator prior to the rape. In contrast stranger rape is expected to happen outdoors, usually at night where the victim is grabbed, overpowered and raped. Date rape s also briefly discussed and used to support predictions that rape perceptions has changed considerably in the last few years due to increased media coverage of the topic. The issue of male rape is then raised and questions are raised such as are men raped in the same circumstances as women? It is describe d as more frequent phenomenon than previously believed. The ignorance and disbelief surrounding male rape creates myths and misconceptions in society for example Most men who are raped are homosexuals. This makes some researchers believe that male rape perception is lagging behind that of female rape, that is current male rape perception is at the stage female rape perception was at years ago in terms of the knowledge people have of it. I believe the author has succeeded in successfully introducing the research topic and conveying the main aims of the research. The one possible fault I have for the introduction is that the author does not discuss why she feels the topic of research is important and why she decided to carry out the study. I believe this would enhance the article even more for the reader. In the method section of this article Anderson explains in detail how the study was carried out. She describes how one hundred and nineteen undergraduate students were asked to take part; she also lists their gender and ethnicity. The participants were asked to describe what they believe to be a typical rape. Both male and female were included. The gender of the participant and the gender of the victim were the independent variables. Participants were assigned randomly so that women could be assigned to either a female rape or a male rape. Similarly men could be assigned to either female rape or male rape. They were asked to include details that led to the incident, details of the incident itself and details following the rape. Characteristics of the victims and the perpetrator including feelings and thoughts were also asked for. Anderson then moves on to describe how these accounts of typical rapes given by participants were analyzed. She describes the coding manuals given to coders who must sort the participants text into text which adhere to characteristics of the stranger rape stereotype and those which describe an acquaintance rape. This is the most important section of the article; any deficiencies would undermine the validity of the results. The only deficiency I could locate in this section was the fact that all the participants were university students; however the author recognizes this as a limitation at the conclusion of the article. Overall I found this section of the article to give a very comprehensive account of how the study was carried out. It covers all aspects that are important to the aims of the article. In my opinion the results section of this article is excellent. The findings are clearly laid out for the reader. Headings help divide the finding into different sections for example testing hypothesis 1 and frequency of category use in female rape. These headings also help list the results in terms of the original research question and predictions given at the beginning of the article. Tables are also used which illustrate different types of categories of description used by participants and the number of female and male who used these categories. Direct quotations are also inserted to give the reader insight into the types of descriptions participants gave which I found very interesting e.g.: due to the physical difficulty of male rape the perpetrator would typically be larger and stronger than the victim. The author acknowledges the results do not match the predictions made at the beginning and explains the possible reasons for this by stating perhaps researchers presumption that societies rape perception has evolved is in fact false and perhaps our perceptions have not progressed as much as it was thought. The cultural lag theory of male rape was only partly supported by the findings. Although female rape was described more in terms of acquaintance rape than male rape, the other aspect of the theory, that male rape would be described in terms of stranger rape stereotype more than female rape, was not supported. In fact many other factors played a part in the description of male rape such as penetration, the rapists strength and power over the victim and the victims shame and humiliation. Thus proving that female and male rapes are conceptualized along different continuums. The results overall highlight the importance of periodically examining rape perception and the effects of gender. The discussion section addresses the main findings of the article and any new information gained which can be added onto previous information discovered in previous research. Anderson discusses the reasons behind the participants which described a typical rape in terms of the stranger rape stereotype. It is here blame attributions are discussed. Anderson notes it is a possibility that participant didnt write more about acquaintance rape as they assumed the victim would therefore be more blameworthy. This is strengthened by the fact that women, when describing a female rape, used the stranger rape theory more than men and similarly men, when describing a male rape, used the stranger rape stereotype more than women. This perhaps proves that when writing about a victim of their own gender they preferred the stranger rape stereotype as they believed it would steer the blame away from the victim. In my opinion this article contains all the key elements of a good journal article. From the beginning the author explains clearly the key arguments and main points of the text. She also includes relevant background information and makes concrete predictions. The method and results of the study are clearly laid out and are easy to follow. Another aspect covered in the text is the acknowledgment of its limitations. Any good journal article is aware of the limitations of the findings and in this article they are clear. The way in which male rape is discussed is quite interesting as it not a subject many articles discuss. The idea of the lag theory was also remarkable, that the situation of male rape perception in society today was that of female rape years ago. Also the fact that males themselves described male rape in a homophobic and mocking tone intrigued me. For example, one of the two bufties edge towards the lone man. One of the very few limitations in this text is that all the p articipants were students from one university, a population which may be more aware of rape than the general population. It is noted that a study of the perceptions of rape held by police, medical personnel and juries may enhance findings in the future. Another fault I have with this article is that I believe the author should go into more detail on why she thinks this research is important and why she decided to conduct this study. In addition, while reading the findings of this research it struck me that another reason the majority of participants chose a scenario which adheres to the stranger rape stereotype is they may feel under stress to give certain answer or they may try to please the researchers by giving the answer they believe the researchers desire. In conclusion, I found this article to be comprehensive, relevant and interesting. All main ideas are clearly stated and concrete predictions are made from the start. The results examine the effects of gender in rape conceptualization and the importance of examining male rape alongside female rape to gain further insight into the differences in gender perception. A broader source of participants is acknowledged as a future improvement that could be made to studies such as these. The results section of the paper is, to me, the most impressive section. The findings are examined in a concise manner, taking particular notice of the reasons the results contradict the predictions made at the start. Overall I think this is an excellent example of a psychological journal article, it adheres to all the guidelines which helps make a journal article impressive and overall I found it hard to fault