Sunday, December 29, 2019

A baseball player Jackie Robinson - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2043 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/08/02 Category People Essay Level High school Tags: Jackie Robinson Essay Did you like this example? To the public eye Jackie Robinson was just a baseball player who helped desegregate professional sports, though this is not the case. Jackie Roosevelt Robinson was a Decorated American Veteran, Actor, Civil Rights Activist, Professional Baseball player, and an American Hero to the unheard American population. He has been the subject of controversy, and a prime example of fearlessness, his essence showed the power of actions without uttering a single word. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A baseball player Jackie Robinson" essay for you Create order Although Jackie lead our nation through difficult times through his position as a baseball player, he also deserves to be recognized for his many other great achievements. His presence in professional baseball broke the color barrier, which also led to many other professional sports, organizations, and even the military to desegregate. Robinson was born in the small town of Cairo, Georgia, but his family moved when he was 6 months old to a predominantly white neighborhood in Pasadena, California after his father had abandon them. This new neighborhood happened to be a more progressive, and a more forward thinking place out of the deep south, which had basically been untouched by the great depression. During this time, Jackies mother, Mallie, had worked many odd jobs to support her family. The Robinson familys arrival to the west coast was met with just as much racism and hatred as would be expected. Mallie, however, was a no nonsense woman who did not antagonize the whites who lived in their neighborhood and had won over the respect of many of them after years of living there. Jackie wrote my mother never lost her composure, as well as the fact that she didnt allow us to go out of our way to antagonize the whites, and she made it perfectly clear to us and to them that she was not afraid of them and had no intentio ns of allowing them to mistreat us. This had affected Jackie later in his life as he had to deal with racism as he tried to break the color barrier in Americas favorite pastime. In his younger years, Robinson attended John Muir High School where he was inspired to take up sports by his older brothers. This is where Robinsons freakish athleticism came into play. During this time Jackie lettered varsity all four years in Baseball, Football, and Basketball as well as track and field, and by the summer of 1935, he had established himself as the most versatile of the muir terriers. (Rampersad 36) After high school Robinson continued his career at Pasadena Junior College where he also played those same sports. As a young man Robinson was known to be very aggressive and violent against racist individuals. Jackie even got into a rock throwing fight with a middle aged white man over the fact that his daughter called him the N-word, and he reacted by calling her a cracker, which angered her father, and as Rampersad describes in Jackie Robinson: A Biography stones were flying between boy and man until his wife came out to scold him for fighting with a child. (Rampersad 24) In college, his attitude towards these individuals who discriminated him had gotten him into some trouble. Robinson was once arrested for arguing the arrest of a friend by the police. This, along with other run-ins with the law due to their racially charged motives, gave him a reputation of being violent to those who were racist around him. Jackies eagerness to talk back to the police became mixed up in legend with the fact of his raw physical power and then became conflated into a habit of brutality when in fact he drew a li ne early between protest and violence (Rampersad 51). During his time at Pasadena, a preacher convinced him to attend church on a regular basis and to allow God into his life. Around this time Robinsons brother Frank (who was also the brother he was closest to) was killed in a motorcycle accident which motivated him to enroll at The University of California, Los Angeles to stay closer to his family. During his time at UCLA Robinson became the schools first athlete to letter in four sports. He also was teammates with Kenny Washington who coincidentally was the first African-American to sign a professional football contract. Robinson also met his wife, Rachel Isum at UCLA in his senior year. Right before graduation Jackie decided to leave UCLA, going against the advice of his mother and girlfriend who wanted him to get his degree. Jackie, however, felt it was useless getting his degree as a black man in America. After playing at UCLA Robinson took a couple jobs with different sports both semi-professionally and professionally. However, in December 1941 after the attacking of Pearl Harbor he was drafted into the United States Military to fight in World War II. During his time in the military Robinson and other African-American soldiers including Heavyweight Champion Joe Louis were very open and vocal about the segregation in the military, protesting their admissions into the Office r Candidate School. Robinson made it to be a second lieutenant. This would be an early example of Jackies activism protesting the Civil Rights in America as well as the event that followed. Robinson also got apprehended for refusing to move to the back of the bus when ordered to by a white bus driver, and due to his arrest he never saw any combat and was honorably discharged, however, a friend of his suggested that he try out for the Kansas City Monarchs in the Negro League. While playing for the Monarchs, Robinson had a great run in the 47 games he played for them, yet he was unhappy with the disorganization of the league and gambling that occurred. He wanted to tryout for a Major League team instead but the last black man to play in a major league game was in 1884 so it seemed far fetched to even think a team would have picked him up. He ended up trying out for the Boston Red Sox with other Negro players but the try out ended up being a ploy to humiliate black players and try to make desegregation seem like a joke. On the other hand, other teams had taken the signing of African Americans much more seriously, such as the Brooklyn Dodgers, whose General Manager, Branch Ricky, had scouted Robinson in his Negro league games. Ricky chose Robinson out of a list of black players and interviewed him. This led to the famous interaction between these two gentlemen where Robinson asked, Are you looking for a Negro who is afraid to fight back? and Rickey replies t hat he needed a negro player with guts enough not to fight back. After their three-hour long interview Robinson swore an oath to Ricky to look the other way when he was being antagonized, both on, and off of the field. Robinson played briefly with the minor league affiliate Montreal Dodgers, and then got called up to the Major leagues. During his time in the minors Robinson had faced all kinds of racism everywhere he went, even having police departments calling off games that he would be attending. His reception in Brooklyn was met with a mostly positive welcoming with some racial issues mostly coming from the opposing teams and even his own teammates. Yet, Robinson paid no mind to this as he became a star player, who began winning many awards, such as the first Rookie of the year, and Most Valuable Player, as well as taking the Dodgers to the world series five times in a row, which was the greatest award of them all. Jackie even starred in his own movie The Jackie Robinson Story which rose up to be a great success. In the end, he played ten seasons and was announced a hall of famer a few years after his retirement. Even then, he wanted to be recognized for the way he played, not only for breaking the color barrier, as he encouraged anyone voting to vote based on his playing rather than focusing on his impact on changing the face of the game. Robinson not only changed baseball through the desegregation of the league but also the sport itself, where instead of just using raw power to hit the baseballs as hard as they could to bring in runs, Jackies style and strategy of aggressive base running, such as his famous stealing home to score, was implemented by other teams. He was even dubbed the father of modern day base-stealing by author David Falkner. Robinson was also a remarkable fielder at any position he played. On April 15, 1997, Jackie Robinsons number, 42, was retired throughout the whole league as a way to commemorate and honor the man who changed the game. Jackie Robinsons integration into Major League baseball was so influential that he even began to change the way that his white teammates felt about racism and the segregation laws. Between Jackies first season playing with the Brooklyn Dodgers, and the following fall season, most of Jackies teammates became accepting of the fact that integration was happening, and Jackie played a huge role in making them change their beliefs. Many of Jackies teammates were never necessarily against the idea of integrating Americas favorite pastime, but yet they were not publically supportive of it either and their silence was just as bad, if not worse, than the people against it. This feeling of loneliness continued for Robinson until a game played against the Cincinnati Reds in 1947. Most people recall a very famous event happening at the game on this day, though there is no existing photographs or news articles, of it ever happening. The story claims that when the Brooklyn Dodgers took the field, a s usual, nasty slurs were being screamed from the audience directed at Robinson. As no other teammate showed their support, Dodgers shortstop Pee Wee Reese approached Robinson and threw his arm around his shoulder in a form of acceptance. This event isnt completely proven to be true, but it remains one of the most famous events from its time. After baseball, Robinson became a very big Civil Rights activist supporting famous leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. as well as participating in marches and protest. Robinson decided to use his baseball career as the foundation for his political movement, and started his work in the Civil Rights movement by speaking out on the slow integration of African Americans into Major League baseball. In 1958, Robinson worked alongside Martin Luther King Jr. as honorary chairman of the of the Youth March for Integrated Schools. After his time in the major leagues Jackie Robinson had no trouble speaking his mind as he later became the author of a famous newspaper column in which he spoke about racial and political matters. To add to the insanely long list of contributions that Robinson made to the Civil Rights movement, he also founded a black owned Freedom National Bank in order to assist minorities who were struggling financially by providing them with the necessary loans that they may n ot have been able to receive otherwise. Robinson also criticized the MLB for the lack of minorities coaching, as well as protested against them by refusing to show up for the old timers game in 1969. The list of Robinsons accomplishments during his time as a Civil Rights activist is extensive, making him one of the greatest contributions to the movement. Jackie Robinsons debut into baseball ended the segregation line in the world of all sports. That being said, his effect was not only felt in sports, as the president of the time, Harry Truman, decided to end segregation in the military as well. Every April 15, every player in the MLB wears the number 42 so that no one is seen differently for the day. Robinson had done in a lifetime what many could never do. Jackie Robinson was an extremely talented and inspiring baseball player, but he was also a real-life superhero to those who faced the tragedies of oppression and discrimination. He saw the world for what it was and never backed down or looked away. He made the public love and accept him not through his words but through his character and actions. He is a legend in every regard of the word and forever will be.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Food Insecurity A Brief Issues Paper Written For The...

Food Insecurity In India A Brief Issues Paper Written for the Pacific Food Summit Savanna Griffis (43819206) Words: 1572 Introduction Global food security has become one of the most prominent issues of the decade, as the world’s population, and thus the number of mouths to feed, is expected to reach 9.1 billion people by 2050. Despite growing income levels and overall economic growth, India continues to be one country that is severely affected by food insecurity, with a steady decline in calorie consumption per capita and a rise in levels of the population that have become food-insecure. Due to this confusing and contradictory nature of India’s food security condition, it has become significant in the realm of global food stability. Identifying the major reasons for food insecurity and the uneven impacts associated with food production in India, as well as opportunities for improvement within the country, are essential in hopes of understanding the nature of the global food crisis. While there are undoubtedly several reasons for current threats to food security, a close examination of the current so cial, economic, and environmental status of India demonstrates that a lack of crop diversification, climate change, and increasing westernization of Indian agricultural systems are three major contributors. Key Issues of Concern- Crop Diversification According to the Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, diversification can be defined as â€Å"diversion of sizable acreage fromShow MoreRelatedWater as a Source of Future Conflict in Sa26984 Words   |  108 Pagesalready lack water supplies. Water use has risen six-fold over the past 70 years. By 2050, it is estimated that 4.2 billion people live in countries that cannot meet people’s daily basis needs. South Asia is a region of water abundance and scarcity. â€Å"Issues concerning water allotment are the basic strategic distress over the state relations billion people will be† (Kshatri 2004, 4). 2. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

The Future Economy Free Essays

Imagine yourself living the dream of being an entrepreneur. You are a business man of the 21st century; you have a popular product that many firms want to purchase. You feel financially secure with your future because of the amount of buyers for your product. We will write a custom essay sample on The Future Economy or any similar topic only for you Order Now Then 5 years go bye, and the once abundant number of firms has dwindled down to a couple of major corporations. You try to think to yourself how did this happen? You then realize that all the little companies that fought for your business, and helped you get the highest capital are gone. They were acquired by or merged with larger firms. You know that when this happens the market gets smaller and there are less people to buy your product. With fewer options of companies to sell your product to, comes a smaller amount of profit for you. Two more years go bye and the market gets more concentrated, the remaining giants can now offer you any price they want. If you choose not to accept it, you don†t sell your product. Your dreams of being your own boss and selling a quality product for a fair price are fading away. Some people may think that this story couldn†t happen, but mergers and acquisitions take place everyday in the corporate world. This story that I just told you about is real. Instead of being about business men of the 21st century my article was about the beef cattle farmers of southwestern Wisconsin. The article talks about Virginia-based Smithfield foods, acquired American Foods Group and Packerland Holdings Co. Smithfield is the nation†s largest pork processor; they have a 20% market share. Besides the two recent acquisitions Smithfield also has ownership of Cudahy-based Patrick Cudahy Inc. As a result of this Smithfield will now be the nation†s forth-largest beef processor, with a 9% market share. Smithfield†s merger is part of an overall consolidation among the nation†s larger food processors, which includes the companies of the nation†s beef industry. Wisconsin is known to many people as the dairy state because of our cheese and milk production. While this is true, when the dairy cows get older and there milk production drops they get sold to beef processors. Due to this, Wisconsin†s number of beef cattle has been increasing. Wisconsin had 1.29 million dairy cows as of July 1, according to the Wisconsin Agricultural Statistics Service. The state had 260,000 beef cattle, a 2% increase from July 2000. If I had the other three firms information on the market value they have. I could figure out if the market is highly concentrated or somewhat competitive using the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index which you showed us in class. Wisconsin beef producers are definitely concerned about the latest news of Smithfield†s plans involving Packerland and American Foods. Tom Thieding, a spokesman for the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation said, â€Å"Any time in a consolidation, you just lose the marketing and price opportunity.† State Agriculture Secretary Jim Harsdorf also expressed his concern about the consolidation saying â€Å"we need to make sure there†s still opportunity and competition out there, or the producers are the ones who are going to see their margins cut.† The nation†s livestock sector is already highly concentrated, a point that is made repeatedly by farm organizations and others. Serious questions have been raised about vertical and horizontal integration and market power that puts small livestock producers at a disadvantage and puts consumers at risk. The farmers know that the Smithfield acquisitions further concentrate U.S. meatpacking and eliminate an important competitor in the purchase of livestock, very likely resulting in lower prices for producers. Smithfield believes that it must consolidate in order to keep up with other companies and to provide for their customers. But to make a profit the beef and pork processors will be under pressure to pay fair prices to farmers. But the farmers have a very important role in this equation, they supply the product. If the farmers don†t have an economic incentive to produce, the processors will not be able to deliver to their customers. Smithfield†s plan to buy American Foods could be reviewed by the U.S. Department of Justice to address the possibility of an antitrust. As we learned in class the antitrust policy tries to promote competition and discourage collusion. But Smithfield believes that American Foods is small enough that the deal won†t need regulatory review. The deal with Packerland foods was reviewed and approved by the federal government. Smithfield believes that they are a growing company; they will not approach the size of industry leaders IBP, ConAgra and Excel. To beef producers the debate is not theoretical. Mike Riechers, a cattle farmer in southwestern Wisconsin said he believes the competition among cattle buyers dropped in 1998 after Packerland took over the operations Murco Foods. With Smithfield buying Packerland and American Foods farmers are concerned that competition could drop even further. In conclusion, consolidation is taking many other forms: â€Å"mergers,† â€Å"partnerships,† â€Å"integration,† and similar terms are being used to describe a variety of business arrangements that result in the same final product: fewer people making decisions in agriculture. In many ways, agriculture is just catching up with the rest of the business world, which has been consolidating at a record pace for the past several years. Meanwhile the farmer will become a grower, providing the labor and often some of the capital, but never owning the product as it moves through the food system and never making the major management decisions. Most consumers already put no thought into the financial cost of growing the hay that fed the cow that ends up on your plate. How to cite The Future Economy, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Boeing free essay sample

In late 2003, the company of Boeing was the worst of its life. However, it was changed some market demand and solved the technology issues, then slowing to improve. According to the case study (Boeing), the six-box organisational model provides a framework that succinctly identifies the key factors at the centre of the Boeing situation. 1. Strategy was to update their technology systems, downsize their operations, and re-establish relationships with their suppliers and the only feasible way costs could be cut. Structure the problem of 1994 airbus which shocked the management executives and began a series of changes that were implemented to overcome the bureaucratic structure, outdated technological systems, and unnecessary processes in a company that had reportedly changed. 3. Systems Boeing adopted the principles of lean manufacturing and aimed to rejuvenate their reputation by making their production more efficient. The object of the project was to implement an automated system of assembly lines. 4. Style the decision was made to diversify from the traditional commercial airline industry and the many acquisitions that were made created integration issues for the company. We will write a custom essay sample on Boeing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The aim again was to add more stability to the business by diversifying into information services and the space industry that providing services with elevated margins that would reflect on Boeings bottom line. 5. Staff- according to the CEO of Airbus Noel Forgeard, the process of diversification was extremely demoralizing for Boeing mployees, but Boeings vice president of marketing, Randy Baseler, claimed that What affects morale right now is that we are in a down cycle. Regardless of the reasoning behind it, Boeings employee morale was at a low and this issue needed to be addressed. 6. Skills Boeing has bet its future on the market developing a partiality for smaller aircraft, like their new 7E7. Airbus. On the other hand, the projects will the airlines to purchase larger aircrafts in the future.